
Not guilty verdict today
Not guilty verdict today

not guilty verdict today
  1. Not guilty verdict today full#
  2. Not guilty verdict today trial#

John Mattingly, one of the three officers also involved in the raid and the officer who was shot that night, provided a statement shortly after Hankison’s verdict was announced. LMPD respects the judicial process and also recognizes that there are still potentially more proceedings that may be held on this case and will not provide further comment at this time.”įormer LMPD Det. “The events of Maare still painful for many, and since then LMPD has prioritized rebuilding trust with the communities that we serve. Louisville Metro Police Department also provided a statement following Hankison’s not guilty verdict. My thoughts and prayers continue to go out to Breonna Taylor’s loved ones during this very difficult time.” Having the courage and boldness to lead is my promise to the people of my city. This is just another reminder of how absolutely critical leadership is. Sadly, I’m not surprised by today’s verdict. There is no question that he recklessly fired into the home of innocent people who had nothing to do with the lawless warrant, which led to the unnecessary murder of Breonna Taylor. “Today, the justice system continued its failure to the family members of Breonna Taylor when Brett Hankinson was found not guilty of wanton endangerment. Louisville mayoral candidate Timothy Findley, who participated in calls for social justice since Taylor’s death, said he was not surprised by Thursday’s verdict. Until we achieve those reforms, we cannot sleep safely in our own homes.” We demand real police reform, including a federal ban of no-knock warrants and improved training for law enforcement officers. The lack of accountability showcased in every aspect of Breonna’s killing speaks to how much more work there is to be done before we can say our justice system is fair and our system of policing is protective of people of color.

not guilty verdict today

The fact that Brett Hankinson was not even charged for Breonna Taylor’s killing and only faced charges for the wanton endangerment of her white neighbors was a slap in the face for Breonna and her family. Kenosha police encouraged him to act violently, and our son is dead as a result.“This verdict is further evidence of the lack of police accountability. Rittenhouse came to Kenosha armed to kill. Rittenhouse continued to shoot, maiming Gaige Grosskreutz. Anthony was shot in the chest trying to disarm Mr. Concerned citizens, confronted with a person shooting indiscriminately on the street, stepped in to stop the violence. Kenosha police told militia members that they would push peaceful protestors toward the militia so that the militia could “deal with them.” Soon after, Mr.

not guilty verdict today

Though he was in open violation of a curfew order, Kenosha police encouraged him to act violently. He menaced fellow citizens in the street. Rittenhouse travelled to Kenosha illegally armed with an assault rifle. In response to racist and violent calls to action from militia members, Mr. No reasonable person viewing all of the evidence could conclude that Mr.

not guilty verdict today

Rittenhouse nor the Kenosha police who authorized his bloody rampage will escape justice.

Not guilty verdict today full#

Make no mistake: our fight to hold those responsible for Anthony’s death accountable continues in full force. We hope that decent people will join us in forcefully rejecting that message and demanding more of our laws, our officials, and our justice system. It sends the unacceptable message that armed civilians can show up in any town, incite violence, and then use the danger they have created to justify shooting people in the street. Today’s verdict means there is no accountability for the person who murdered our son.

Not guilty verdict today trial#

But we watched the trial closely, hoping it would bring us closure. We did not attend the trial because we could not bear to sit in a courtroom and repeatedly watch videos of our son’s murder, and because we have been subjected to many hurtful and nasty comments in the past year.

Not guilty verdict today